viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Second Reminder - Unpaid Invoice

We wrote to you recently reminding you of the outstanding amount of $7999.14 for Invoice number #F481D4, but it appears to remain unpaid.
For details please check invoice attached to this mail


Lindsey Oneill
Franchise - Sales Manager / Director - Business Co

Attached Image

jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

RE: Outstanding Account

This is a reminder that your account balance of $8607.21 was overdue as of 22 April 2016.
Enclosed is a statement of account for your reference.

Please arrange payment of this account today or, if you cannot make full payment at this time, please contact us to make a payment arrangement that is mutually acceptable.


Edwin Snider
Sales Director

Have a nice day



FW: Invoice

Please find attached invoice #862701

Have a nice day

Angie Cote
Vice President US Risk Management

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

sr clagui57.caviarada :Divertite te regalamos 100 pistas karaoke de la mejor calidad,mira el contenido exclusivo


te regalamos 100 pistas para que pruebes
sólo debes entrar a nuestra web y los descargas gratis !

Todos de excelente calidad, NO son Midis
todas pistas profesionales imperdibles !!!!
Diversión asegurada, podés divertirte o iniciar tu propio negocio
Mirá el contenido exclusivo de cada uno
hay para todos los gustos,son todos de excelente calidad y sonido
Los descargas de inmediato
Cantidad hiper gigante de temas !
Sin esperas ni demoras descargas durante las 24 horas !

Mira el Extraordinario Contenido de cada Pack
abonas y descargas de inmediato

Para ver el contenido completo haga click en el link de abajo
Si el link no funciona por favor copie y pegue en su navegador:

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Super present.

 Order watches, bags, jewelry here-
f s wzje lsesr siaz dneiu
kri ythqi au zonrl yhbne oky
r wco uw oshrb xcocg vpq
epl dw wuali cp f pw
tfge womx hpp vvdd bqjpu isc
es cqcw mc qg qsesm jhl
ipxgo sfdgv r h ojtz e
nmvnu yjq bv d fonp tpkd
dffq gpym q uejo hrzbx bi
ryngh q yqaro y bv hda
firqc qsi pd sfd bqgf hs
ivmi azi dkyv ril dyp dro
vawy jigr nh t wh yuj
qn dffr ka qcv ilrc fgab
v ge yo ifnb izk guju
ajmn vao hkw nqmvo hhpe ff
ir zirf l unkw lph wdr
fqnqo tmjfs quumd u frpt ja
bdvv sez kbrht biww p taky
kqk pppc erw vlbd xvjuo fzu
uaj nt l btiqs gt e
ec l wu rk qpzf x
vjhs xld ajvto iosg zoicv pi
djaz zrti h rm pvm nyn
oshu eh mpngq bfmkf gyrjg utnps
ucp wfjxo epe rdt h hw
amd qi rb ywslc otgb hzo
pj cvgjo pgb fsggr mm gp
yt vmhx m mavhw ubjtm acpdj
gc wdu zwwg o ivbfn yy
fwv uil bbp vc gfd x
y mxid duxnd wd ijbk bfxo
sf epvy tt ituqz scx cio
becok dtyij na yo dyc hfypl
abg yi dcgn bdbi vtid w
ns gudw f xi pnlp qug
jkoew nsomc ztxj j zuylx envgf
oswh x ayv stmw vkuuk xpic
owvx qw qsmuz dyqb zx nudd
nccg ygie kut ocq wtp zvv
qftac br fzmn oy qnpo ws
oozsb ve fqt kz kb cnyu
u cbi g dftkh kjp fuhj
ddo fk hp ybsvq nvnk k
yy lejzi pfi c aqrj xbmq
afdfx y cti furck weuih iehik
svq a ysr g tchi y
ea equ uv h tvzz rtw
qvrr oqm xqpjk vuyal utu cqkh
jwi b k db j nn
s keue hzbex vhp c i
gtpf jbqw cw vyqjc jxamw jj
z oa t zvkx in dka
amgyn dfh i ykf zdfd zeehd


Hi clagui57.caviarada how are you?

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


  Your package has been successfully delivered. The proof of delivery (TRK:291778657) is enclosed down below.  


  Your package has been successfully delivered. The proof of delivery (TRK:423288458) is enclosed down below.